Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A little about me...

Thought I might try my hand at this whole blogging thing.  Out of the recent trends out there, I'll probably be more successful at this than twerking.  So, a little about myself.  I'm 43, married with an amazing 13 year old daughter.  My mom lives with me and she's in kidney failure, so that means dialysis and I do that 6 days a week for her.  I've been married to the mostly wonderful Frank who works in television in both sales and voice work, for the past six years.  In an effort to further complicate my life this year I decided to go back to school to get my RN degree.  Never mind that I already have a college degree in Accounting.  However as an accountant, you get very little interaction with other people.  It took me twenty years, but I figured out I didn't want to be chained to a desk with spreadsheets for the next twenty years.  So, I've completed my first semester with about 6 more to go.  I'm getting hands on experience everyday, so I'm pretty sure it's what I want to do.  It was a huge decision to go back to school for me.  How am I going to balance everything?  What if I'm stupid now?  You know, the same fears we all have, but for once in my life I didn't allow my fears to rule my head and I've just put my faith in God that it will all turn out.  Now if I could just find some sort of after-school job, things would be about perfect.  Sounds like I'm 16 again!

So I hope to use this blog to record a little of the day to day madness that is my life in an effort to look back on it one day and be able to say, "Wow, I really got through all that ?".